Terms and conditions
Terms "sauto", "web-sites", "web-site", "we", "company" present company SAUTO S.R.L., and actually provided services through our web-site. The location of our company is Republic of Moldova, Calea Mosilor street, 11.
Terms "user", "visitor", means all physical persons and/or legal entities that visit and use the website of sauto.md, regardless of cause.
The term "Content", is all accessible information on the web-site, that can be seen on one device connected to the Internet.
The term "Terms and conditions" is agreement for the use of web-site sauto.md. When you visit our web-site, you agree with our terms that provide information for us that the web-site works for all users.
This agreement is used to the web-site sauto.md and its content. If you do not agree with the indicated "Terms and Conditions", in this document,do not use the web-site sauto.md. When you visit our web-site, specify, that you agree to respect all "Terms and Conditions". SAUTO SRL can revise this page by its change and updating, at any time. We recommend to visit this page periodically, to learn about "Terms and Conditions", because this document is legal. Subsequent using the web-site sauto.md is the acceptance of amendments to present agreement.
The design and the content of this web-site belong exceptionally to the company SAUTO S.R.L. and its protected by intellectual property rights. Any user has no authority to copy, change and /or distort, post, and also to use any of the content in any other context, different from the original. Published information on the web-site sauto.md, is general information about SAUTO S.R.L.,that reserves a right to change, complement, delete any content at any moment. Web site Sauto.md may provide links to external websites or sources. Site owners are responsible in regard to their web-sites. SAUTO S.R.L. is not liable for damages, caused by errors, lack of precision or updating of the published information on the web-site.
Also SAUTO S.R.L. reserves the right to keep in a database the addresses of contact (e-mail, telephone number), that is available to all users.Besides SAUTO S.R.L does not guarantee availability in stocks all indicated items, and also is not responsible for misprints, pricing errors, mistakes in images of items on the web-site. SAUTO S.R.L. is not responsible for the damage caused by result of a malfunction of the web site.
Promotions and offers are operated according to established rules by SAUTO S.R.L. This rules are brought to the attention of all users on the web-site or by e-mail message. Promotions are actual during a specified period of time, usually the term of promotion is specified on the web-site. In case if the term of promotion is not indicated, then it operate within the limits of available supplies. At any time SAUTO S.R.L. reserves the right to stop the promotion with no explanations or without any advance notice.
SAUTO S.R.L.processes your personal data, that you give directly through an e-mail, and also information based on generated data. At the same time we can collect your personal data, when you use our web-site. SAUTO S.R.L processes your personal data, namely contact telephone number and e-mail, only in case the user uses the e-mail on our web-site. In this e-mails are as a form of communication between SAUTO S.R.L. and users. We give an important value your personal data and we guarantee its safety during processing. Thus, SAUTO S.R.L executes technical and organizational measures, for reasons of the high level of security, in accordance with risks associated with types of the processed data and processing operations.